International Staff
Here you can find information about completing a staff mobility at the University of Graz and about our Staff Week.
For long-term stays, our Welcome Center offers guidance and assistance.
Our Guest Week focuses on topical issues and trends in the internationalization of higher education and provides a platform for exchanging experience, sharing good practice and creating new ideas.
Research scholarship for post-doctoral researchers from universities in South-Eastern Europe.
Erasmus+ Staff Mobility (Incoming)
Employees from Erasmus+ partner institutions can come to the University of Graz for
- a short training stay, a workshop or an individual job shadowing (Erasmus+ training mobility) or
- a teaching stay (Erasmus+ teaching mobility).
A Staff Week (= Erasmus+ training mobility, STT) takes place at the University of Graz every other year.
Are you interested in a stay?
We recommend that you plan your stay well in advance to be able to compose a suitable visiting or teaching program. It is advisable to contact the host institute/unit at least one semester before your planned stay.

Target groups and Erasmus+ partner countries
- Training Mobility: academic and non-academic university staff
- Teaching Mobility: academic university staff
from Erasmus+ partner institutions in eligible program countries:
- EU member states
- Iceland
- Liechtenstein
- North Macedonia
- Norway
- Serbia
- Turkey
The mobility grant is awarded by your home university. Please contact the responsible office (e.g. International Office) at your home university.
Mobility planning and process
- Contact responsible office at home universty
Please contact your International Office or the responsible Erasmus office to ensure that a valid Erasmus+ agreement with Uni Graz exists.
- Check application deadlines at your home university
- Departments at the University of Graz:
Contact a suitable unit/institute independently to discuss the time frame and content of your stay. When contacting the department, please submit:- your CV
- a description of your work/research area
- the work/subject areas at the University of Graz which would be of relevance for your (teaching) stay.
If you are unsure which units/institutes or departments are to consider, please feel free to contact us.
- Wait for the approval of the host
Unit / institute: If the desired unit / institute agrees to the stay, the exact period of stay and the teaching or training program will be specified.
- Prepare Mobility Agreement:
Please enter all details of the stay in the Erasmus Mobility Agreement for Training / Erasmus Mobility Agreement for Teaching and have it confirmed by the responsible offices (host unit / host institute) prior to your mobility.
- Planning your stay
If you need assistance in finding suitable accommodation, please get in touch with the contact person at the University of Graz in the host unit / host institute.
- After the stay
The host unit / institute at the University of Graz issues a confirmation of the teaching or training activity.
Contact for staff mobility
Anja Krobath MA BA BA
Schubertstraße 23/ 3rd floor, 8010 Graz
Phone:+43 316 380 - 1252