- Application possible from the 1st year of study!
- Internships must be organized by the student him/herself
- Suitable for this are e.g. companies or institutions (also universities) from the public or private sector, regardless of size, business area and type of company
Duration of stay
- Minimum duration: 2 months (= 60 days, 1 month = 30 days) Maximum duration: 12 months (= 360 days, 1 month = 30 days)
Application deadlines
- You can submit your application continuously, but no later than 2 months before the start of the internship. If you are unable to submit your practice permit application and/or your Learning Agreement until after the deadline, please contact us (see below).

Programme officer
Helene Penzinger, BA
Universitätsplatz 3, EG
8010 Graz
Phone:+43 316 380 - 1244
E-mail: auslandspraktikum(at)uni-graz.at
Mon-Fri 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. Wed additionally 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. as well as by appointment
(during holidays: Mon-Thurs 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.)
You must look for an internship on your own. Once you have been accepted for an internship, you can apply for a grant from us.
Ordinary study
You have to be enrolled in a regular study program at the University of Graz during the whole internship, you are also not allowed to be on leave of absence during the internship.
Teacher training students as well as NAWI Graz cooperation students can apply for the Erasmus+ internship at their home university.
There are currently no internships offered for graduate students.
Full-time internship
Must be a full-time internship of at least 30 hours per week.
Duration and funding period
Minimum duration of internship: 2 months (= 60 days, 1 month = 30 days) Maximum funding period: 12 months (= 360 days, 1 month = 30 days).
Attention: the maximum funding period for Erasmus+ stays per study level cannot be exceeded. In each study level (Bachelor, Master, PhD) Erasmus+ stays up to a maximum of 12 months are possible, regardless of the type (study stay/internship/Blended Intensive Programmes) and the number of mobilities (e.g. 2 study stays of 5 months each and one internship of 2 months). For diploma students, stays of up to 24 months are possible. Stays already completed (e.g. in the LLP program) are included in the maximum duration of stay!
No employment at the University of Graz / no further mobility grant
At the time of the stay, no employment relationship with the University of Graz may exist.
You may also not receive another mobility grant from the Office of International Relations during the same funding period.
Creditability of the internship
It must be a "study-relevant internship", i.e. the internship must be approved in advance by the competent recognition body for your field of study as:
- Compulsory internship
- free elective (with ECTS)
- useful supplement to your studies (without ECTS; only possible if examinations are still open in the degree programme)
recognized. Further information can be found in the application documents under "Application for approval of internship".
Further information:
No double financing
Double funding for one and the same activity from EU funds or grants directly funded by the BMBWF or other Austrian federal agencies is not permitted.
Important: Receiving an Austrian or foreign study grant, foreign grant, or provincial grant does not constitute double funding.
You can also apply for Erasmus+ funding for a paid internship.
Application deadlines
You can submit your application documents continuously via Mobility-Online, at the latest 2 months before the start of the intern ship the application must be submitted completely.
If it is a short-term commitment for an internship and you therefore cannot meet the application deadline, please contact auslandspraktikum(at)uni-graz.at to clarify whether an application is still possible.
You will receive a mobility grant to cover the increased cost of living in the host country. To receive this grant, you have to be physically present at the host institution.
Important: no double funding
Double funding for one and the same activity from EU funds or grants directly financed by the BMBWF or other Austrian federal agencies is not permitted.
Receiving an Austrian or foreign study grant, foreign grant or provincial grant does not constitute double funding.
Current grant amounts
Group | Countries | per month of stay |
Country group 1 | Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden | € 670,- |
Country group 2 | Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Czech Republic, Cyprus | € 620,- |
Country group 3 | Bulgaria, Croatia, Lithuania, Republic of North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Turkey, Hungary | € 620,- |
Travel support
In addition to the mobility grant, you will receive a one-time travel grant of up to 1.735 EUR, depending on the distance between University of Graz and the host university, which is calculated using the Erasmus+ Distance Calculator, as well as the type of transportation used (environmentally friendly or non-environmentally friendly travel).
For green travel, up to 6 additional granted travel-days may be awarded. One travel-day is once calendar day. The new Erasmus+ programme generation places a strong emphasis on environmentally friendly and responsible practices.
Top-ups Erasmus+
In addition to the mobility grant mentioned above, you can receive further financial support ("top-ups") stated below. To receive a top-up, you will have to submit additional documents.
- Students with fewer opportunities (€ 250 per month; only one of the following options available at a time):
- Students with children who accompany their parents during the mobility
- Students with disabilities (if you have a disability pass)
- Students with chronical diseases, if the students have higher costs because of the mobility as compared to the costs in the home country (Allergies and food intolerances are excluded)
The top-up cannot be added together. This means that students who fall into several of the above-mentioned categories (e.g. a person with a disability who takes the child with them on their stay) only receive a top-up of 250 euros per month.
In case you feel that you belong to one of the mentioned groups, please contact Helene Penzinger (auslandspraktikum(at)uni-graz.at). In this way, we can have a look at your situation individually and advise you in the best possible way.
Inclusion support
The inclusion support is intended to cover additional costs related to students with physical, mental or health-related conditions. The costs are covered on a real cost basis. The inclusion support can also be used to cover the costs of a preparatory visit or of an accompanying person. Only costs which occur after the Grant Agreement was signed can be reimbursed.
The following students can apply for inclusion support:
- Students with fewer opportunities (see above)
- Erasmus+ students who are not in the fewer opportunities group identified in Austria, but who can still demonstrate a real need for additional financial support on a real cost basis.
Additional costs
Additional costs arise, for example, if due to a particular situation
- Costs are incurred that would not be incurred without mobility
- costs are incurred that would not normally be incurred at the sending organization
- higher costs are incurred for the same needs in the destination country than at the sending organization
- a person cannot be mobilized alone
Costs not eligible for funding
Not covered by inclusion support:
- Costs that are covered by (health) insurance (e.g. medication, medical treatment, etc.)
- Therapy costs: unless there is proof that the costs in the host country are higher than in the sending country and that the (health) insurance and the deductible to be paid in the sending country do not cover the costs abroad (the difference can then be covered)
- Costs that participants regularly incur in the country of the sending organization even without mobility (e.g. deductible etc.)
- Costs that are covered by other organizations
- Travel costs of mobile participants: if higher travel costs are incurred, funding for the additional costs is possible
Inclusion support is awarded and invoiced on the basis of actual costs. Participants must realistically estimate in advance how much additional costs they will incur. Exception: Accompanying persons. For stays of up to 60 days, accompanying persons receive a flat-rate accommodation allowance (calculated by the International Relations Office). If accompanying persons stay on site for more than 60 days, funding is then based on actual costs.
Costs may only be incurred after a signed grant agreement (university with participants).
Inclusion support and the Top-Up can be obtained at the same time.
In case you feel that you belong to one of the mentioned groups, please contact Helene Penzinger (auslandspraktikum(at)uni-graz.at). In this way, we can have a look at your situation individually and advise you in the best possible way.
Study allowances abroad (Auslandbeihilfe - Studienbeihilfe)
If you receive study allowances in Austria, you can also apply for an additional study abroad support - it does not reduce the Erasmus+ mobility grant. For further information, please contact the Stipendienstelle Graz (0316/81 33 88 0, Metahofgasse 30, 8020 Graz).
Application documents
The application is done online via Mobility-Online (MO). Access is via your personal business card in UNIGRAZonline.You can find application instructions here.
Application form
You have to upload the application form (printout from Mobility-Online) with photo and personal signature in Mobility-Online and submit it personally to the International Relations Office within the application deadline. Please note our opening hours.
Please upload your (tabular) CV in Mobility Online.
Proof of study success (transcript)
Please upload a Transcript of Records covering the entire period of study (printout/download from UNIGRAZonline) in Mobility-Online.
Application for approval of the practice / creditability of the internship
A completion guide for the application for approval of practice can be found here.
This application must be signed by the person responsible for recognitions (e.g. chair of the curriculum committee), the application is usually submitted via the dean's office responsible for your field of study.
This approval must be obtained before the start of the internship and is necessary for the application for the Erasmus+ internship. If you have any questions about the procedure, please contact the responsible dean's office for this.
Note: Students of the SOWI faculty, the REWI faculty, the GEWI faculty and the URBI faculty please use the faculty internal form for the application.
Further information:
Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences (only in German)
Faculty of Environmental, Regional and Educational Sciences
As a rule, internships require an application for approval of the internship and must be submitted to us. In certain cases, for example if the internship is to be credited for a course, we also accept an advance notification instead of the application for approval of the internship. Please contact us in advance in such a case.
Letter of motivation
You need to upload a letter of motivation in Mobility-Online:
- Maximum 1-2 pages long
- Describe your personal and academic motivation for an Erasmus+ internship
- Language: in English unless you are doing the internship in German, in which case you can write the Letter of motivation in German
Learning Agreement
You can download the Learning Agreement (LA) in Mobility-Online. It is already partially filled with your application data. You have to upload the completely filled and from all sides signed LA in Mobility-Online. Without the LA we cannot award you the Erasmus+ grant!
You are responsible for filling out the LA - you can find a completion guide here.
Proof of required language skills
Upload in Mobility-Online an appropriate language certificate for the working language of the internship.
- if you are going to an internship in a country where your native language is spoken, please confirm this on an informal letter, sign this personally ("declaration on honour") and upload it, here you will find a template
- evidence of studies completed / courses taken
- matura certificate
- language certificates (e.g. Treffpunkt Sprachen)
- for students of a foreign language: upload a short statement that you are studying the language or e.g. a Transcript of Records
We will only consider applications marked as complete in Mobility-Online! The scholarship holders are selected by the programme officers according to the following selection criteria:
- motivation
- relevance of the intended internship to the student's studies
- academic success
- language qualification
- additional qualifications, e.g. mentor for foreign students
- overall impression of the application
We will inform you about the outcome of the application, as well as about the further steps by e-mail.
Payment of the grant
If your application for an Erasmus+ internship has been approved, we will have to conclude an agreement with you on the payment of the grant. Detailed information about this will be sent to you by e-mail.
The first installment of the grant is 75% of the total amount stipulated in the agreement, the second installment (25%) will be paid to you only after the end of the stay and receipt of the required documents.

If you face unforeseen difficulties and/or challenges during your stay abroad, please, contact us by e-mail as soon as possible so that we can look for possible solutions together.
We wish you a successful internship!
Here you will find useful information that may be relevant before or during your stay:
Online Language Support
Online Language Support (OLS) offers you the possibility to check your language skills before your stay abroad. OLS is part of the EU Academy platform, where other learning content (e.g. MOOCs) is offered in addition to language tests and language courses.
More information on how to use OLS will be sent to Erasmus+ students via email.
You are responsible for obtaining appropriate insurance coverage abroad. It is best to contact your current insurance company directly if you have any questions.
Through the paid ÖH-fee you are covered by accident and liability insurance during your stay abroad in many countries. Only accidents and damages that occur in the context of your studies are covered, not in your private environment. For more detailed information, please click here.
Please make sure to independently and promptly take care of all necessary arrangements before the start of your stay abroad. It is recommended, for example, to coordinate with your health insurance provider and gather information about any existing co-insurance or travel insurance coverage through your credit card, among others. The insurance coverage must include at least health insurance, liability insurance, and accident insurance. Additionally, it is also recommended to have your own insurance against the loss or theft of documents, travel tickets, and luggage.
Check if you have a valid "European Health Insurance Card" (EHIC) - recognized in EU countries as well as Bosnia-Herzegovina, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Northern Macedonia, Montenegro, Switzerland, Serbia. In order to use the EHIC abroad, the data fields on the back of the e-card must be filled in completely. If the data fields are filled in with asterisks, it is not valid as proof of entitlement.
If you do not have a valid EHIC, apply to your health insurance provider for the issue of a "certificate as a provisional replacement for the EHIC" in good time before you travel.
Do not forget to have the following confirmations issued by the institution where you are doing a traineeship:
- Learning Agreement for Traineeships "after the mobility": last page, available via Mobility-Online.
- if necessary: Confirmation of stay (page 3/4 of the application for approval of the internship) - only necessary if you want the internship to be recognized as a "meaningful supplement to your studies
- recommended: internship certificate (for future applications or your CV, does not need to be submitted to us)
Changes to the Learning Agreement for Traineeships
If you wish to change the Learning Agreement for Traineeships (see Guidelines), you must do so within 1 month of arrival at the host institution and have it signed by all parties involved.
Visa / Residence permit
Non-EU/EEA citizens may need a (work) visa or residence permit foryour internship. Please check with the embassy of the country where you will be doing the internship well in advance to see if you need a visa or residence permit or any other (work) authorization for your internship.
An extension is possible in principle, provided that the corresponding extension application is submitted and approved at least four weeks before the end of the originally planned stay. The extension period may not be longer than the originally planned stay (and a maximum of 12 months in total). Please contact us early if you want to extend your internship.
In case of an extension, the LA for Traineeships must be reissued and signed!
Here you will find information about the documents you need to submit via Mobility-Online no later than 2 months after the end of your internship:
EU-Survey (participant report)
- A link will be sent to you by e-mail. You have to fill in the EU-Survey within the given deadline.
- In Mobility-Online you have to fill in a questionnaire concerning the recognition of ECTS credits.
Learning Agreement "after the mobility
- Upload the last page of the Learning Agreement for Traineeships ("after the mobility") in Mobility-Online.
Experience report
- Please upload a testimonial for our testimonial portal. The report should be a maximum of 2 pages long, you can find a template here.
Recognition letter
- A) Internship as free elective or compulsory internship: Please upload the Transcript of Records in which the internship appears in Mobility-Online.
- B) Internship as a meaningful supplement to studies: Please upload the completed and signed page 3 or 4 of the "Application for Approval of Internship" in Mobility-Online.