What are top-ups and inclusion support?
For several years now, the Erasmus+ program has offered students with fewer opportunities the opportunity to apply for so-called top-up or inclusion support (see Erasmus+ Stays abroad - International Relations Office).
These two grants are now also available in all other mobility programs of the University of Graz, which are handled by the International Relations Office.
Students can apply for this funding from fall 2024 for stays starting in the academic year 2025/2026 at the earliest.

In addition to the grants within the individual mobility programs, there is further financial support for students with fewer opportunities:
This is a monthly grant of €250, which can be applied for by the following groups of people:
- Students with children requiring care who are taken to the place of study
- Students with disabilities (all students with a disability pass)
- Students with a chronic illness, if this results in increased financial expenses during the stay abroad (compared to the stay in the sending country; allergies and food intolerances are excluded)
The following documents can be used as proof for the top-up:
- in case of disability: disability pass or other proof
- in the case of chronic illness: medical certificate and proof of the additional costs incurred compared to the stay in the sending country, e.g. sworn declaration by the student or other documents proving the additional costs.
- For students who are taking their child or children with them: Birth certificate, proof of custody if applicable, proof of the actual stay of the child/children in the host country after the end of the Erasmus+ stay. Important here: With regard to this top-up, it is assumed that the children will be taken along for the entire mobility. This can be deviated from in justified exceptional cases. However, the children must be taken along for the majority of the duration of the mobility (= more than half).
The top-up cannot be added together. This means that students who fall into several of the above-mentioned categories (e.g. a person with a disability who takes the child with them on their stay) only receive a top-up of 250 euros per month.
Inclusion support
Inclusion support should cover additional financial costs incurred primarily by participants with physical, mental or health impairments. These costs are billed according to actual costs.
Inclusion support also enables a preparatory visit and supports these additional costs. Accompanying persons can also be financed in this way.
The following people can apply for inclusion support:
- Students with fewer opportunities (see above)
- Students who do not belong to the group of students with fewer opportunities, but who can nevertheless prove that they have a real need for additional financial support on a real cost basis.
Additional costs
Additional costs arise, for example, if due to a particular situation
- Costs are incurred that would not be incurred without mobility.
- costs are incurred that would not normally be incurred at the sending organization.
- higher costs are incurred for the same needs in the destination country than at the sending organization.
- a person cannot be mobilized alone.
Costs not eligible for funding
Not covered by inclusion support:
- Costs that are covered by (health) insurance. For example: medication, medical treatment, etc.
- Therapy costs: Unless there is proof that the costs in the host country are higher than in the sending country and that the (health) insurance and the deductible to be paid in the sending country do not cover the costs abroad. The difference can then be covered.
- Costs that participants regularly incur in the country of the sending organization even without mobility. For example: deductible etc.
- Costs that are covered by other organizations.
- Travel costs of mobile participants. If higher travel costs are incurred, funding for the additional costs is possible.
Inclusion support is awarded and invoiced on the basis of actual costs. Participants must realistically estimate in advance how much additional costs they will incur. Exception: Accompanying persons. For stays of up to 60 days, accompanying persons receive a flat-rate accommodation allowance (calculated by the International Relations Office). If accompanying persons stay on site for more than 60 days, funding is then based on actual costs.
Costs may only be incurred after a signed grant agreement (university with participants).
Inclusion support and the Top-Up can be obtained at the same time.
Application documents
When applying for an exchange program, the need for top-up or inclusion support must be indicated.
After acceptance for an exchange program, an e-mail will be sent to the students concerned with a link to a further application in Mobility-Online.
In addition to the online application, the following documents must be uploaded:
- Application form (printout from Mobility-Online) mandatory
- Proof of Top-UP and/or inclusion support: (summarized in one PDF document) mandatory
- Proof of belonging to one of the defined target groups with fewer opportunities or proof of actual need (see also Top-Up) - mandatory
- Statement of costs: The application must contain a precise statement of the increased costs, with the additional costs stated being substantiated where possible (cost estimates, research, etc.). - If applicable
- A list of the financial support provided by other bodies - if applicable.
After the application deadline
The Top-Up is awarded by the International Relations Office.
The decision to award inclusion support is made by a selection committee consisting of members of the Coordination Office for Gender Studies and Gender Equality, the Center for Integrated Studies and the International Relations Office.
Billing (only for inclusion support)
Inclusion support is based on real costs. Only those costs that have actually been incurred will be funded. Students must keep the relevant receipts (invoices, payment confirmations) and submit them to the International Relations Office after their stay.
Application deadline:
No later than 8 weeks before the start of the stay. In justified exceptional cases, a shorter deadline can be agreed after consultation with the International Relations Office.