Die Universität Graz war in diesem Jahr Gastgeberin der GUEST (Graz University Erasmus Staff) Week, ein internationales Trainingsprogramm für Mitarbeiter:innen von Partnerinstitutionen. Nach einer Pause von vier Jahren kehrte die Veranstaltung, die alle zwei Jahre stattfindet, vom 27. November bis 1. Dezember 2023 wieder zurück. 29 Teilnehmer:innen aus 15 verschiedenen Ländern und 21 Universitäten besuchten die größte steirische Hochschule. Damit wird diese GUEST Week, die vom Büro für Internationale Beziehungen organisiert wurde, das bisher größte Staff Training an der Universität Graz.
Im Vordergrund des Treffens stand die Vernetzung untereinander. Außerdem bildeten die neuen Erasmus+ Programmkomponenten – Nachhaltigkeit, Inklusion, Digitalisierung und Blended Intensive Programmes – einen Schwerpunkt des Programms. Die GUEST Week findet im Rahmen von Erasmus+ Staff Training (STT) statt, einer EU-Förderschiene, die allgemeinen und wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeitern den Besuch von Partnereinrichtungen für Weiterbildungszwecke ermöglicht. Interessierte können sich im Intranet über die genauen Voraussetzungen und Bewerbungsschritte informieren.
Während ihres Aufenthaltes konnten einzelne Gäste erzählen, was sie an ihrer Uni machen und was ihnen an der Universität Graz gefallen hat:
Sara Bladby:
- Which university do you come from and what is your job there?
Uppsala University, HR administration
- Why did you choose to come to the University of Graz for your staff training? What do you expect from the GUEST Week?
I wanted to exchange experiences, meet other people in the same professional role as me. Exchange ideas, practices and good examples but also provide good tips that we do at my university.
- What do you find particularly interesting about the University of Graz?
That it is so large (many students and staff)
- What do you find different here compared to your home university?
One campus, everything in one place.
- Would you recommend a staff training to other colleagues and if so, why?
Yes, a good opportunity to meet other university staff and learn how they do.
Ilona Diana Cristea-Dranca:
- Which university do you come from and what is your job there?
Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Erasmus officer
- Why did you choose to come to the University of Graz for your staff training? What do you expect from the GUEST Week?
I liked the proposed programme. The University of Graz have been longtime UBB partners and I was interested in attending the BIP sessions.
- What do you find particularly interesting about the University of Graz?
I like the fact that they have a big university with a lot of innovative research topics commited to social responsibility as well.
- What do you find different here compared to your home university?
Dogs allowed in the university building.
- Would you recommend a staff training to other colleagues and if so, why?
Yes because it can offer them the chance to meet a great IRO team and colleagues.
Anne Bourgoin:
- Which university do you come from and what is your job there?
France, Lyon 1. I’m a project manager in the Human Resources department.
- Why did you choose to come to the University of Graz for your staff training? What do you expect from the GUEST Week?
The staff week program was exactly what I expected because I actually work on Digitalization and HR projects. The GUEST Week is a way to share different thinking ways and to find new ideas that can help my projects.
- What do you find particularly interesting about the University of Graz?
The University of Graz is very old but also very modern. It’s a major partner of the Arqus Alliance.
- What do you find different here compared to your home university?
The building is changed of time. This is not the case of mine, who is ‘only’ 50 years old.
- Would you recommend a staff training to other colleagues and if so, why?
Yes, absolutely. It’s a good way to practice another language (here, German and English) and to confront your own practices with some colleagues that have a very different reality.