As an employee of the university, you would like to complete a stay abroad, improve your teaching skills for an international classroom, or implement an international education project? Here you will find an overview of our offers.
Erasmus+ teaching mobility
An Erasmus+ teaching mobility gives you the opportunity to benefit from the knowledge and expertise of university teachers from other universities. Universities expand their teaching offer, strengthen cooperation with partner universities and develop new cooperation opportunities.
The European Union's Erasmus+ programme supports short teaching stays at European partner universities that have a valid Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE).
Erasmus+ training stay
All staff members of the University of Graz can become mobile for further education purposes and participate in trainings/courses or self-initiated organized training measures at partner institutions and/or companies in programme countries. Training measures include subject-specific courses, trainings, workshops, internships, job-shadowing, know-how transfer, etc. A combination of the above activities is possible.
Erasmus+ International Training Stay
With Erasmus+ International, all staff members can take part in a training programme at selected partner universities in third countries. Training activities include subject-specific courses, training sessions, workshops, internships, job shadowing, know-how transfer, etc. A combination of training and teaching activities is possible.
Programme officer
EU/EEA area
Anja Krobath BA. BA. MA.
Schuberstraße 23/III, 8010 Graz
Phone:+43 316 380 - 1252 E-Mail:staffmobility(at)
Southeastern Europe, Africa, Middle East, CIS countries, Georgia and Ukraine
Mediha Ohranovic, BA. MA.
Schuberstraße 23/III, 8010 Graz
Phone:+43 316 380 - 2214 E-Mail:staffmobility(at)
North, Central and South America, Asia and Australia
Doris Knasar, M.A.
Schuberstraße 23/III, 8010 Graz
Phone:+43 316 380 - 2213 E-Mail:staffmobility(at)
International education projects are implemented by consortia involving partner institutions from at least two different countries. Through the exchange of expertise and know-how on education-related topics and through the development of joint results and products, the projects, which often last several years, promote the development, transfer and/or implementation of innovative educational approaches.
International education projects thus support institutional and/or systemic modernization in education and contribute to high-quality learning, teaching and training. The sustainability and usability of the results and products are of central importance.
Uni Graz employees can find further information on the intranet.

Programme officer
Dott.ssa Vera Hartmann, MA
Universtitätsplatz 3, 8010 Graz Phone:+43 316 380 - 1242 E-Mail: intleduprojects(at)
Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs)
These are intensive programmes carried out with at least two other higher education institutions from different Erasmus+ programme countries that combine a physical mobility (5-30 days) with a mandatory virtual component. A BIP can take place either at the partner university or on site at the University of Graz, must have a minimum scope of 3 ECTS as well as reach a minimum number of 15 incoming participating students funded through Erasmus+.
You can find more information on the intranet

Programme officer for BIPs
Julia Trattnig, BA BA M.A. MA.
Schubertstraße 23, 3rd floor, 8010 Graz
Phone:+43 316 380 - 1248
Certificate "Teaching in English
Participants complete 3 modules (Advanced English Writing Skills, Methodology and Advanced English Speaking Skills) and receive a certificate at the end. The courses develop teaching techniques, language skills and intercultural competence specifically for teaching in internationally mixed groups. The goal is to train and support teachers to offer instruction in English.
Mobility Grant for additional English Teaching
Lecturers who offer at least one additional new 2-hour course entirely in English in the academic year 2024/25 can apply for a mobility grant for an international activity from the Office of International Relations.
- All levels (BA, MA, PhD) and all course types are acceptable for the English-language course.
- English-taught courses that are offered in English-language degree programs are excluded from funding (e.g. English/American Studies, Translation Studies – English track, certain joint programs - see FAQs below).
- The mobility grant can be applied for any activity in an official context (teaching, research, cooperation and also conference participation).
- The mobility grant has to be consumed no later than 1 year after the English-language course was held.
Mobility grant:
- The maximum amount of the mobility grant is EUR 1,200 for travels within Europe and EUR 1,600 for travelling outside of Europe, respectively.
For more information, visit the intranet.
Programme officer
Mag.a Doris Knasar
Strassoldogasse 10, 8010 Graz Phone:+43 (0)316 380 - 2213 E-mail: doris.knasar(at)