Student exchange
Here you will find information on exchange opportunities, on completing a full study programme at the University of Graz, and on scholarship opportunities.
Exchange opportunities with programs
You are planning to go on student exchange for one or two semester at the University of Graz within the framework of a mobility program ? First of all, please contact the International Office of your home university to find out if there is an exchange opportunity within a network or cooperation for which you can be nominated. The most common programs are the following:
- If you are studying at a university in the EU as well as Iceland, Norway, North Macedonia, Serbia or Turkey and your university participates in the Erasmus program
iStudy (Joint Study)
- If you are studying at a university outside of Europe and your university has a bilateral cooperation agreement on student exchange with the University of Graz
ISEP Network
- If you are studying at a university outside of Europe and your university participates in the ISEP Study Abroad Network - information about ISEP and all participating universities can be found here
CEEPUS Network
- If your home university is located in a country in Central or Southeastern Europe and participates in the CEEPUS program (entral European Exchange Program for University Studies) - information about the network and all participating countries can be found here.

If your home university has no agreement with the University of Graz but you would like to study here for 1-2 semesters (self-organised mobility), you can apply as Free Mover at the Academic Affairs. The same rules as for international degree-seeking students apply.
If you are interested in obtaining a degree from the University of Graz and did not complete your secondary school (general university entrance qualification) or prior studies in Austria, you are considered as international student and have to apply for admission at the Academic Affairs.
You can find further infromation here:

Go Styria scholarship programme
- Research scholarship for master's and doctoral students as well as post-doctoral researchers from universities in South-Eastern Europe
- Duration of stay: 1-4 months
Scholarship grant: € 900 - € 1.200 euros per month - Find out more
Best of South-East scholarship programme
- Scholarship in cooperation with Steiermärkische Sparkasse for students from South-Eastern Europe
- Internship or trainee programme, combined with courses at Uni Graz
- Duration of stay: one academic year
- Scholarship grant: up to 12,000 euros per person
- Find out more
Marshall Plan Scholarship
- Scholarship in cooperation with the Marshall Plan Foundation
- For research stays at the University of Graz
- Duration of stay: at least 3 months
- Scholarship grant: between 4,000 and 10,000 euros
- Find out more