Study-related internships abroad give you practical insights into the (international) professional world. Take the chance and fund your study-related internship abroad with one of our available mobility programmes.
You haven't found an internship yet? Below you can find useful information on study-related internships:

Erasmus+ Traineeship
- Duration: 2-12 months
- all levels of study (Bachelor/Master/Diploma/Doctorate)
- Bachelor students: Application possible from 1st semester
- Currently, internships for graduates are not possible
- Financial grant up to € 670 per month (depending on country)
Internship Grant
- Duration: from one month
- all levels of study (Bachelor/Master/Diploma/Doctorate
- Bachelor students: Application possible from 1st semester
- One-time financial grant: € 300 (Europe), € 400 (outside Europe)
What does "study-relevant internship" mean?
In order to get an internship recognized as study-relevant internship, it should be either a:
- job-oriented practice (free elective subject),
- relevant practice (compulsory internship),
- useful addition to studies (voluntary internship)
You need to have your internship recognized in advance in order to apply for one of the grants listed above. Further information on the approval of practice can be found under "academic performance abroad" and "application documents".
Further information:
- Policy of the Director of Studies - available in German only
Search portals and internship offers
If you are interested, you can register for the internship newsletter with your Uni Graz e-mail address by sending an e-mail to international(at)
Here you will find an overview of various programmes. Please note that this is not an official offer of the University of Graz, but information about external offers that may incur fees. The University assumes no liability or costs for the use of this information.
- AIESEC - Internships Abroad
- AnyIntern
- Anywork Anywhere - Jobs and Resources for Work & Travel throughout the UK & worldwide
- askStudents - Job exchange for students(German only)
- Teaching German Abroad - Internships ( German only)
- Arqus Internships
- CAPA Global Internships
- CICD - Center for International Career Development
- City Internships
- Cyprus Wildlife Research Institute
- Educa Languages
- ELM - Expertise in Labour Mobility (Jobsearch abroad)
- ELSA - European Law Students Association Graz(German only)
- EURES - The European Job Mobility Portal (German only)
- Europa-Kontakt - Working in Europe ( German only)
- Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada - Information about Working in Canada
- Garagerasmus
- Global Placement - Internships worldwide
- - International Education and Experiential Travel Resource
- GoinGlobal
- IAESTE - The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience - Placement abroad
- iAgora - Entry Level Jobs and Internships in Europe
- iHipo - International Jobs and Interships
- Institut Français(German and French only)
- Institute for Cultural Diplomacy
- Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (ifa) (German only)
- Internship UK
- Interrex
- Jobbydoo - Internship Jobs
- JobTeaser
- Österreichischer Auslandsdienst - Internships abroad (Austrian Service Abroad - internships abroad)
- (German only)
- Sprachenatelier Berlin(english version: >>here<<)
- Language assistance (weltweitunterrichten)
- tbd* - Jobs
- TEFL Trainer
- Training Experience
Erasmus+ Internship at Italian Schools
If you are enrolled in the Italian teacher training program, you can apply to the Institute of Romance Studies (see below for contact) for an Erasmus+ internship placement at one of the following Italian schools:
- Founded in 1984
- Recognized as a training center by the Italian Ministry of Education and the Tuscany Region
- ISO quality certificate, member of ASILS, AIL, ELITE
- Locations available for Erasmus+ internship:
- Rome (Piazza dell'Orologio 7)
- Florence (via Bufalini 3)
School of Italian Language and Culture PALAZZO MALVISI of Ravenna
- founded in 1984
- Recognized as a training center by the ital. Ministry of Education, supported by the Municipality of Ravenna
Language School Laboling, Sicily
- Founded in 1994
- Recognized as a training center by the Italian Ministry of Education. Ministry of Education
- CILS exams are offered (Italian as a foreign language)
General Information
- Duration of stay: minimum 3 whole months, maximum 12 months
- Start date flexible
For further information and to apply for a place please contact the Institute of Romance Studies: Mag. Dr. Simona Bartoli Kucher Merangasse 70, 8010 Graz +43 316 380 2518 simona.bartolikucher(at)