General information about the internship grant
- Application possible from the 1st year of study!
- Internships must be organized by the student him/herself
- Suitable for this are e.g. companies or institutions (also universities) from the public or private sector, regardless of size, business area and type of company
Duration of stay
- Minimum stay = 1 whole month
Application deadlines
- You can submit your application on an ongoing basis, but no later than 2 months before the start of the internship. If you are unable to submit your practice permit application until after the deadline, please contact us (see below).

Mag.a Petra Rabitsch
Universtitätsplatz 3, 8010 Graz
phone:+43 316 380 - 1243
e-mail: auslandspraktikum(at)
Mon-Fri 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. Wed additionally 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. as well as by appointment (during holidays: Mon-Thurs 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.)
The application is done online via Mobility-Online (MO). Access is via your personal business card in UNIGRAZonline. You can find application instructions here.
- Ordinary studies at the University of Graz
- Application possible from the 1st year of study (Bachelor's program) onwards
- NAWI Graz studies: an application is only possible if the University of Graz is the parent university
- Full-time internship (internship place must be proven)
- No employment at the University of Graz during the stay abroad
- No other mobility scholarship from the Office of International Relations during the same funding period
Study abroad
For the application, you must have the internship approved by the responsible office, i.e. you must have already found an internship. For this, you will need a signed "Application for Approval of Completion of an Internship" - further information can be found under "Application Documents".
More information:
Application documents
You apply online with the Mobility-Online database. You can access it via your personal business card in UNIGRAZonline > International Relations. Instructions can be found here.
You will need to upload/fill out the following application documents in Mobility-Online:
- Application form
- (Download) Application for approval of completion of practical training: Must be signed by the body of the University of Graz responsible for recognition (e.g. curriculum chairperson). Please note that the approval of the completion of an internship has to be obtained before the start of the internship. Please contact the responsible dean's office for this purpose. Note: Students of the SOWI-Faculty and the REWI-Faculty have to use the faculty-internal form for the application. Further information:
- Confirmation of acceptance/invitation from the company/institution with exact duration of the internship (date)
- Curriculum vitae (signed)
- Letter of motivation (signed)
- Transcript of Records for the entire period ofstudy (printout from UNIGRAZonline)
- Statement on the required language skills (e.g. certificate)
Financial support
The internship grant is a one-time grant to cover the increased cost of living in the host country and amounts to:
- € 300 for internships within Europe
- € 400 for internships outside Europe
You must inquire about additional funding from the host institution yourself!
Other information:
- The students union fee (ÖH Beitrag) at the University of Graz has to be paid also during the stay abroad!
- You are exempt from paying the tuition fee at the University of Graz for the duration of your stay.
Scholarship recipients are selected by the programme officers in our office according to the following selection criteria:
- Motivation
- Relevance to studies of the intended internship
- Success in studies
- Language qualification
- Additional qualifications, e.g. mentor for foreign students
- Overall impression of the application
If you have submitted a complete application, we will inform you about the outcome of the application as well as the further steps by e-mail.

During the stay
We wish you a successful internship!
Here you will find useful information that may be relevant during your stay:
Insurance in the host country
You are responsible for obtaining appropriate insurance coverage abroad. It is best to contact your current insurance company directly if you have any questions - the award of a grant does not include insurance coverage!
Note: If you are compulsorily insured in Austria, check that you have a valid "European Health Insurance Card" (EHIC). The EHIC is located on the back of your e-card. The EHIC is recognized in the EU countries, as well as Bosnia-Herzegovina, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Northern Macedonia, Montenegro, Switzerland, Serbia. Please contact your insurance company in Austria for more information.
Do not forget to have the following confirmations issued by the institution where you are doing an internship.
- Confirmation of completed internship (page 3 or 4): must be issued, signed and stamped by the host institution and cover the entire sponsored internship period.
The following steps must be completed in Mobility-Online within 10 weeks after completion of the internship:
- Upload copy of completed page 3 or 4 of the Application for Approval to Complete a Practicum and a copy of the recognition (proof of academic achievement).
- Uploadinternship experience report, 1-2 pages. Please use the Office of International Relations template for your experience report. The report should provide an overall impression of your stay: both professional benefits and general on-site experiences. Reports will be published in the Erfahrungsberichteportal: