What is the grant for self-organised mobilties?
Funding is available for self-organized research and study visits abroad for
- the preparation of scientific work (laboratory work, field research, work in archives/libraries/collections, etc.) as part of the bachelor's/master's/diploma thesis or dissertation
- participating in specialist courses / summer schools to learn scientific methods and practices (for ideas, see e.g. summer schools & short-term programs)
- attending classes if the host institution is not a partner institution within other available mobility and networking programmes

Programme officer
Petra Rabitsch
Universtitätsplatz 3, 8010 Graz Phone:+43 316 380 - 1243 E-Mail:outgoing.exchange(at)uni-graz.at
Mon - Fri: 9.30 am - 12 noon
Wed: 1 - 3 pm
as well as on appointment
(during holidays:
Mon - Thur: 10 am - 12 noon)
After you have fixed the dates and the stay abroad, you can apply for a grant at the Office for International Relations. You can find more information about the application process here:
The following provisions apply:
- The study place/course place must be organized independently and proven in writing when submitting the application documents
- In the case of stays that primarily serve the purpose of writing academic papers, simultaneous attendance of courses is permitted if it is a useful addition (even if the host institution is a partner institution within the framework of other mobility and networking programs )
- Only one grant may be applied for per thesis
- Language courses and participation in conferences are not funded
- Ongoing application is possible, but please submit your application at least 2 months before the start of your stay.
- Stays during an existing employment relationship at the University of Graz can only be funded if it is an employment as a doctoral candidate and the completion of the PhD thesis is also part of the employment relationship
Duration of stay
Minimum stay: 5 days
Maximum length of stay when writing a thesis:
- Bachelor's theses: maximum 1 month
- Diploma or master theses: maximum 2 months
- Dissertations: maximum 4 months
Maximum length of stay for field research:
- Diploma or master thesis: maximum 6 months
- Dissertation: maximum 8 months (in particularly justified exceptional cases: 12 months)
Maximum duration of stay for attending courses: 10 months
Extension of the granted period is possible only if:
- a new justification
- a new invitation/confirmation
- a new letter of recommendation from the original proponents
be submitted.
Regardless of this, the stay may be extended at the applicant's own expense.
Application requirements
- Enrolled for a regular study programme at the University of Graz
- Minimum age: 19 years
- At the time of starting your mobility (not at the time of application) you have completed at least the first year of undergraduate studies in the field of study relevant to your stay
- If you are employed during the grant has to be officially reported and can lead to a reduction of the funding amount. Secondary activities are only permitted if the purpose of the stay is not impaired
Study abroad
If you plan to attend courses abroad, it is recommended that you complete the equivalent of 30 ECTS points per semester (= study performance of one semester) during your stay abroad, which can be recognized for your studies at the University of Graz.
For the application you have to create a preliminary study plan, i.e. you have to put together the courses you would like to complete at the partner institution(s). The study plan is only a preliminary plan. If you have been assigned to a partner institution (from step 2 onwards), you have to draw up a pre-recognition notification (Vorausbescheid), in which you announce the officially planned study performance abroad.
Note: Consider the processing time of the pre-recognition notification when planning ahead.
Further information:
Application documents
You apply online via the Mobility-Online (MO) database. Access MO via your personal business card in UNIGRAZonline. Instructions can be found here.
You have to upload / fill out the following application documents in Mobility-Online:
- Application form with photo and signature
- Download the form in Mobility-Online.
- Fill it out and add a photo of yourself. Sign the form.
- Scan the signed form including a photo and upload it to Mobility-Online
- CV (tabular resume), signed
- Letter of motivation, 1-2 A4 pages (template)
- Transcript of records for all previous semesters (Studienerfolgsnachweis, printout from UNIGRAZOnline)
- Copy of bachelor's / master's / diploma / PhD certificate
- Confirmation of supervision / confirmation of admission / invitation from the host institution with the exact duration of the planned stay (not applicable for field research)
- Pre-recognition notice (Vorausbescheid) from the University of Graz as confirmation of the creditability of courses (not applicable for research stays for the thesis)
Submit the following documents in original to the programme officer:
- 1 letter of recommendation (template)
Note: When assessing the required period of stay abroad, the person making the recommendation is requested to only state the period that is absolutely necessary.
The letters of recommendation must be signed and stamped by the Institute and can be sent directly to the programme officer by the person making the recommendation.
Application deadlines
You can submit your application documents before the start of your stay. Selection meetings are held every 2-3 months. After that students will be informed accordingly.
We only accept complete applications.
Financial support
- You receive a grant to cover the increased living costs while abroad: grant amounts per country
- There is no legal entitlement to the grant.
At the selection meeting, a committee determines who will receive a grant for the self-organized stay. You can apply for the grant on an ongoing basis, but we will only inform you after the selection meeting whether you will receive the grant. You will receive an email with the application result.
All exchange students at Uni Graz are obliged to sign an agreement for their stay abroad. By signing this agreement, you officially accept the nomination. You will receive detailed instructions by email.
The grant is paid out in two installments:
- Rate = 80% before the stay
- Rate = 20% after submitting all required final documents (see "After your stay")
Should you be employed at Uni Graz during your stay abroad, further information about the payment process will be forwarded to you after financial support has been granted.
Please apply for the grant in good time (at least 2 months before the start of your stay).

During the stay
Tuition fees
If you stay abroad for at least 14 days, you do not have to pay tuition fees at the University of Graz. Attention: You still have to pay your own union fee (ÖH Beitrag) to stay enrolled aht Uni Graz!
Please also clarify on your own if you have to pay tuition fees at your host institution!
Insurance in the host country
You are responsible for obtaining ssuitable insurance coverage abroad. It is best to contact your current insurance company directly if you have any questions - the award of a grant does not include insurance coverage!
Note: If you are compulsorily insured in Austria, check whether you have a valid " European Health Insurance Card " (EHIC). The EHIC is located on the back of your e-card and is recognized in the EU countries as well as Bosnia-Herzegovina, Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Switzerland and Serbia. Please contact your insurance provider in Austria for more information.
After the stay
Within 10 weeks after the end of your stay abroad you have to upload the following documents in Mobility-Online:
Documents after the stay
- Electronic report on the stay (template)
The report should give an overall impression of your stay: both about the professional as well as about general experiences on site. These student reports are published in the experience report portal, ideas and a template can be found here: auslandserfahrung.uni-graz.at
- Confirmation of stay: the host institution has to confirm your exact period of stay (arrival - departure date). The confirmation must have a signature and a university or institute stamp (not applicable for field research)
- Transcript of records or confirmation of course attendance from the host institution (not applicable in case of thesis research)
- Recognition notification or confirmation from the supervisor of the University of Graz that the scholarship has been used as intended (with signature and institute stamp)